Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Stinky Feet's First Halloween! *Boo*

Dear Stinky Feet,

You had your very first Halloween!!!! This is your handsome father's favorite holiday, so of course we celebrated!

We didn't get you a skunk costume because it was an arm & a leg, plus we wanted you to walk around and flaunt it!  So I found a little lamb costume a few days before Halloween...and you looked insanely cute. The catch: You fell asleep! Our whole trick or treat adventure.

Oh, but that didn't stop people from commenting on how adorable and cute you looked! Look at you, even asleep you captured people! My love! :)

Soooooo, that made me very happy that I got this picture! It's YOU in a pumpkin! My pumpkin! :)

Not going to lie. your legs got a little stuck when we tried to get you out, but you were okay.
Here's a cool thing, the shirt your dad is wearing: it has Mordecai! Which was his costume from the previous Halloween!
Your dad pointed that out when we were looking at your picture, and I just smiled because I love those little things that make you believe that everything is meant to be. <3

I'm a peasant woman and you woke up the moment we got home, LOL! 

Love you my little lamb!
-Mommy xoxoxo

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