Friday, June 24, 2016

They were telling the truth...

When they said that it would go by FAST. I didn't believe them! I thought it was just a thing that all people told new parents or specifically, a new mom. But low and behold it is true! And I don't really know what kind of blur I was in, but I have really felt the days slip by me. I started working not too long after the last blog. Let me give you a timeline of what's been going on since then:

January 2016- began the job search process and YOU began to eat more solid foods. :)
February 2016- started working as a Special Ed assistant at an elementary school in San Antonio
March 2016-

April 2016-  

May 2016-    

June 2016-  SUMMER has started and for once, I'm not dreading it! :) you want to know why?? Because I get to be with you my little baby pumpkin!! :)
     We have fun everyday and we giggle when we wake up and we play peek a boo with the couch...and you try to put my sandals on my feet. :)

I cherish every single day that I am with you, for I don't know if we will ever have another summer where you and I will be together every day. Maybe when you're 22 and you've decided to travel Europe for a month, you can stay with me the rest of the summer and we will do all kinds of mommy/daughter things. :)

I love you,


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