Tuesday, December 29, 2015

A Collection of FIRSTS

The "FIRSTS" that this family celebrates is the kind that come after we win, like when your dad says "FIRST!" after he eats all of his food before I finish mine.

(Let it be known right here that I am not a picky eater but I am a slooooowwww eater. I can't wait to see what kind of eater you will be!)

So, if you were looking for a collection of meticulously documented firsts of your milestones, you won't find it. That's because I'm so busy talking with you and playing with you that the moments happen and we are wrapped up in the moment and I don't want to walk away and find my phone to take a picture or even pause in the slightest because I'm nose deep in your little baby neck trying to make you laugh over & over again!

To compensate for not jotting down every single first, I've decided to write you this blog. I think a little narration would be nice than just a simple date and time of when you accomplished something.
Your dad and I started your baby book the other day while you played on the floor with your brand new Christmas toys. You can look through that in addition to this...please excuse any craziness in that book...your dad and I seem to think you'll have one heck of a sense of humor when you get older! :)

While I don't have your very first smile or laugh...(it's hard to distinguish when your smiles were full of purpose or you were passing gas) and my mom swears that you were chuckling at her while waiting for your jaundice check up only 3 days alive...I have plenty of Rachel footage! Enjoy!

Daddy holding you before we leave you in the Little Lambs nursery! 
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Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Stinky Feet's First Halloween! *Boo*

Dear Stinky Feet,

You had your very first Halloween!!!! This is your handsome father's favorite holiday, so of course we celebrated!

We didn't get you a skunk costume because it was an arm & a leg, plus we wanted you to walk around and flaunt it!  So I found a little lamb costume a few days before Halloween...and you looked insanely cute. The catch: You fell asleep! Our whole trick or treat adventure.

Oh, but that didn't stop people from commenting on how adorable and cute you looked! Look at you, even asleep you captured people! My love! :)

Soooooo, that made me very happy that I got this picture! It's YOU in a pumpkin! My pumpkin! :)

Not going to lie. your legs got a little stuck when we tried to get you out, but you were okay.
Here's a cool thing, the shirt your dad is wearing: it has Mordecai! Which was his costume from the previous Halloween!
Your dad pointed that out when we were looking at your picture, and I just smiled because I love those little things that make you believe that everything is meant to be. <3

I'm a peasant woman and you woke up the moment we got home, LOL! 

Love you my little lamb!
-Mommy xoxoxo

The Creasy + Martinez Family take on REN FAIR!

Hola Rachel!

Your dad decided to take his little family to the Rennaissance festival. It was a tight squeeze because we had so many sleeping bags and backpacks and a cooler, we should probably invest in a larger vehicle because we do have large family now...anywho, it was FUN!

Why!? Because of the attitude we all had. It was raining, and I mean it was pouring...but your father and I love the rain, so it was gonna be a blast for us. The problem came when we were trying to build a tent...LEARN how to pitch a tent because it will make you handy and you won't have to bother with frustrated  attitudes from anyone! ;)

I remained in a positive attitude and that caught on like fire. Kerrighan, Oscar, and I stayed up in the tent and played "Heads Up" and listened to the music from the hall for an hour or so.

The rain made the fairgrounds muddy and some parts were flooded but we walked around like it was bright daylight, Josh's Fitbit recorded almost 10 miles!!

You stayed with Guela & she said you didn't even miss me at all! You were busy chit chatting with her company and having a good ole time being spoiled by your guela.
Lesson: You can take a trip  to Disney World and have a terrible time all because of your perspective and your attitude. So embrace your trips and maintain a positive attitude and make the best of it even if some things go wrong or there's frustration, you can still make an amazing memory! :)


Xoxoxo *muuah*

Friday, October 23, 2015

Packing for the Pack!

"its never too early for Selinas!!!"-Petrice

Buenos Dias, Rachel!

You and I woke up in time to tell Daddy bye before he left to work! Then we stayed up a little and I played you some Selena's Como La Flor!

Action! Time to start doing not just thinking! :)

A Letter to My Little Miss Rachel

Here you are helping me blow out my 26th Birthday candles! (you didn't help much! :P)

At 2 Months old...2 am bath time is what were ALL ABOUT!! :)

Hello my sweet Rachel!

By the time you are reading this, I hope you are doing so in book form or at the least on your laptop (or whatever electric device you will use in over a decade, you hipster!) while you are trying to form an idea of who you are and who you want to be!

I love you more than I ever thought I would love another human being...really. So, in an effort to avoid the chaos that is boxes of photos that get skimmed once every 3 years, and lost memories,  I want to capture what I can and blog to you about your first year of life! It will be the baseline of who you are and what you could potentially be, and I will share the most profound knowledge I hold with you before I start seeing you with MOMMY eyes (the ones where you are my little baby and I begin to shelter you, as well as discipline you...which is a few pit stops before I become your enemy for not letting you do what you want).

Remember who you are my love, you are part of me, and you have the love of God, and with him by your side you know that you can grow to be whoever you want to be! Spiritually, emotionally, physically, mentally, and everything in between. God's love is unconditional, so with his help and from your family...I hope you become everything you were meant to be. I love you, Rachel!

One day when you are 25, you will be soooo awesome and wonderful and so full of rich experiences from highs to lows and you will understand what it feels like to feel invincible! Then somewhere along the way you will fall in love to the most wonderful man that you've set eyes upon and have his child...
Then that feeling will be amazing! You will know what's it's like to feel consumed by God's love and like you were made to be the best version of yourself for YOUR sake and then to pass it on for generations to come. I hope your daughters and their daughters become GREAT women , I had a goal to write my future daughters a "guide to life" with my tips and quirks! ;) God knew what he was doing when he gave me Josh (your handsome father) and when he gave me you!

Here we go! :)

P.S.  Never be afraid to fall, to fail, to be foolish, to be free. Create you. No human being on earth will    fulfill the love you crave other than you. God's love is constant, but know that  no life is perfect so go out and grow every single year, grow until the day you return to His kingdom, for the growing is what will MAKE  your life. It will make it a life worth living, make it a learning experience, make it the worst life, the best life, make it a whirlwind and make it a lull. Make it a "crying for three days straight because your visions were shattered" life & make it a "please don't let today be my last day because I am so in love , I'm so excited, I'm so in the zone, I'm  so enlightened, I'm so proud, ...." kind of life. So,

Go & Grow.

I love you my little lamb!

Mommy (mmmmuuuuaaah) xoxoxo

Amy Crystal Martinez